On Thu, Sep 1, 2022 at 4:09 PM Peter <p...@citylink.dinoex.sub.org> wrote:

> ! It produces failures:
> !
> !     could not change directory to "/home/jwalton/godojo": Permission
> denied
>  ... this appears to me as rather a sudo issue. Because certainly
> psql cannot execute /as user postgres/ in a directory where user
> postgres is not allowed to enter.

FWIW, I don't think this is quite true, and it's more of a warning than a
failure.  For example, from my own directory I can sudo to postgres and run
a psql shell with no problem.  It will complain about not being able to
change directory, but it will then proceed to load and run psql just fine...

[ktanzer@hosting ~]$ sudo -u postgres psql
could not change directory to "/home/ktanzer": Permission denied


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