> On Sep 12, 2022, at 15:51, Bryn Llewellyn <b...@yugabyte.com> wrote:
> The implication is that every client program must follow every database call 
> with defensive code to detect error "57P01" and programmatically re-try.

That situation exists even without the ability for a role to kill other 
sessions authorized to the same role.  A superuser (or role granted 
pg_signal_backend) could have terminated it, the connection could have broken 
due to a network failure (which caused the backend to roll back and terminate), 
or the server could have crashed.

Pragmatically, the only real additional risk cases here are:

(a) An intrusion using that role, 
(b) A client program that for some reason can issue a legitimate 
pg_terminate_backend() call, but that has a bug that causes it to use it 

In the case of (a), pg_terminate_backend() is the least of your worries, and I 
have a hard time seeing (b) as a real-world risk that requires a new PostgreSQL 
feature to defending again.

Also pragmatically, it would be a *very* significant behavior shift if roles 
could not by default signal other sessions authorized to the same role, so it 
would be unwise to introduce that feature and have it be revoked from 
non-superusers by default.  And, if it's not revoked by default, it's not going 
be very widely used except for ultra-locked-down environments.  I don't think 
it would hurt anything to introduce it, but I'm not sure the utility is there.

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