> > ERROR: syntax error at or near "WHERE"
> > LINE 10: WHERE o.total_price > ISNULL(sub.paid, 0);

> There error here is because a JOIN clause requires a join condition. Adding an
> "ON true" is probably what you want. You would also need to change isnull()
> with coalesce().
> The final query should be:

> ) AS sub ON true

OK - I see that it works now - which is great! 

However, it's unclear to me what, exactly, it is that is "TRUE"? 

What am I joining to what?

The syntax is unclear to me - if I'm joining, I should be joining on 
tab_A.field_x = tab_B.field_y - no?

Why does SQL Server's OUTER APPLY not require this?

Thanks for any input - Merci, À+



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