Hi. I'm using binary binds and results for DMLs, as well as for COPY.

So far, I've stayed within built-in scalar and array types, thus I
could hardcode the OIDs of values "in the type-system" (in C++, via
But I'd like to venture into extension (e.g. hstore) and custom
(enums, domain, etc...) types.
Thus I'm wondering:
1) whether "official" extensions have fixed/stable OIDs, like in my
hstore example. If so, where are they defined?
2) how should I be looking up OIDs for custom (or extension?) types
with libpq? Any specific APIs? Or I need to do SQL instead?
3) If I duplicate custom types per-schema, to keep them standalone,
they'll get different OIDs, right?

Thanks for any insights on the above. --DD

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