On 10/21/22 10:25 AM, Dionisis Kontominas wrote:
Hello Adam,

    Thank you for your response. Regarding the details:

 1. I have no experience managing; I know some basic introductory
    administrator things. Only point I think is important is to consider
    a server version of Linux and nt a desktop one, i.e. something like
    Ubuntu Server or Redhat Server or other.

Folks with more experience using both would have to comment in detail on that. My comments would be, I have used openSUSE and Ubuntu(Server) for small installations with no issues either way. I do like the ability to jump from LTS(Long Term Support) to LTS version in Ubuntu, bypassing all the intermediate releases.

 2. OLTP applications. Up to 10 - 50 GB database size. The user
    interface is Web-based, currently using Oracle APEX, Tomcat+ORDS and
    Oracle Database as a back-end.

Are you looking to retain the Tomcat+ORDS portion of the stack?

Thank you for your time!
Kindest regards,
Dionisis Kontominas

Adrian Klaver

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