> adrian.klaver@aklaver.comwrote:
>> b...@yugabyte.com wrote
>> The descriptive designation "the role that owns the SQL part of the 
>> implementation of PostgreSQL" is too much of a mouthful for daily use. And 
>> anyway, this notion captures only part of the story that makes "postgres" 
>> uniquely what it is—at least on Ubuntu.
> How much time would it have taken to go to the docs:
> «
> https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/app-initdb.html
> Selects the user name of the database superuser. This defaults to the name of 
> the effective user running initdb. It is really not important what the 
> superuser's name is, but one might choose to keep the customary name 
> postgres, even if the operating system user's name is different.
> »

I HAD read that. The phrase occurs three times on that page. But the account 
doesn't define the term. Rather, it's used as if everybody knows what it means. 
Yet there's no x-ref to where the definition is. I did refer, albeit 
implicitly, to this doc by citing the text that "initdb --help" gives. The doc 
and the help say the same thing. You, Adrian, often accuse me of being too 
wordy. So I  catered to you by not using words to spell out what I just spelled 
out here.

A PG cluster has lots of databases. Lots of things have names whose uniqueness 
scope is (maximally) a single database. Just a couple of things, and roles in 
particular, need names that are unique in the cluster as a whole. Therefore, 
the term "database superuser" is tautologically wrong. It should, at least, be 
"cluster superuser". But then, like I said, you can have as many superusers as 
you please in a single cluster. So the idea that one is singled out as *THE* 
[cluster] superuser didn't make sense to me. Moreover, the "initdb" doc says 
that it doesn't really matter if what it calls the "database superuser" has the 
same name as the O/S ussr that owns (most of) the PG installation and cluster 
content. But David pointed out here:


that you lose a lot if these two sides of the same coin don't have the same 
name. (So the "initdb" doc would be improved by an x-ref to the discussion of 
the consequences of the name choices here.)

This implies that there's still a missing term of art that denotes the nicely 
matched *pair* of within-cluster role and O/S user.

I said all this in my reply to David and Ian Barwick. I did send it about half 
an hour before you wrote this. But I see now that I'd managed to omit 
<mailto:pgsql-general@lists.postgresql.org>" from the addressee list. (Yes, 
another of my notorious typos.) I resent it moments ago. It's here:


>> ...listed as the owner of the pg_catalog schema, the objects in it, other 
>> related schemas...
> You need to define 'other related schemas'.

select nspname
from pg_namespace n inner join pg_roles r on n.nspowner = r.oid
where r.rolname = 'postgres';

produces this:


Same point as before. You and others in the cohort of "the pgsql-general list 
lawmakers" have made me nervous about spelling things out 'cos doing so uses 
words and code—and often I've been told off for being too wordy. This is a pity 
because accuracy and precision inevitably compete with brevity.

> ...For it to  work you have to be operating as the OS user postgres. I'm 
> guessing that is why your attempt as usr failed, you where not running as the 
> OS user usr.

No, I've been super-aware of the current identity of the O/S user in all tests, 
I've typed "whoami" more times in the last few days than before in my whole 
life to date.

>> I tried to set up "peer" authentication for a brand new O/S user that I 
>> called "usr" to match a brand new cluster role that I also called "usr". I 
>> added a new line in "pg_hba.conf" thus:
>> local   all             usr                                     peer
> Read:
> https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/auth-peer.html 
> <https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/auth-peer.html>

I had. And I'd followed the link to Section 21.2:

> «
> "The pg_ident.conf file is read on start-up and when the main server process 
> receives a SIGHUP signal. If you edit the file on an active system, you will 
> need to signal the postmaster (using pg_ctl reload, calling the SQL function 
> pg_reload_conf(), or using kill -HUP) to make it re-read the file.
> »

To be sure, I did the whole thing again now. (And, yes, my O/S user is 
"postgres", at the start of this account.) Here's the relevant part of the 
output from "cat /etc/passwd": 


I did "sudo systemctl stop postgresql". Then I made sure that this line:

usr             usr                     usr

was present in this file:


Then I did this:

rm -Rf /var/lib/postgresql/11/main

initdb \
  -U usr --encoding UTF8 --locale=C --lc-collate=C --lc-ctype=en_US.UTF-8 \
  -A md5 --pwfile=/etc/ybmt-code/misc/.superuser-passwd-for-initdb \
  -D /var/lib/postgresql/11/main

It finished with "Success. You can now start the database server...". That 
should read:

« can now start the cluster server »

and not "database server", yes? Anyway, I used "sudo systemctl start 
postgresql" to start it and not "pg_ctl ... start" like the prompt says. 
(That's a different area of concern. But I won't go there now.)

Then I did this (even though it seems to me that having stopped and blown away 
the old cluster and then having started a brand new one, this would be 

pg_ctl reload -D /var/lib/postgresql/11/main

It responded with "server signaled" (and nothing else).

Next, I did "su usr" and confirmed that I'd got where I intended to with 
"whomai". Then I started a session with this command:

psql -h localhost -p 5432 -d postgres -U usr

That worked fine, so I did this:

select nspname
from pg_namespace n inner join pg_roles r on n.nspowner = r.oid
where r.rolname = 'usr';

It produced this:


like I'd expected. So, according to the "initdb" doc, "usr" is very definitely 
the database superuser.

So then I tried the bare "psql". It failed with this error:

connection to server on socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432" failed: 
FATAL:  database "usr" does not exist

This is exactly what I described in my email to David and Ian (URL above).

> Again because you probably where not running as OS user usr.

No, like I just showed you, I was running as "usr". 

>> However, while "initdb" was working, it said « The files belonging to this 
>> database system will be owned by user "postgres". This user must also own 
>> the server process.» So "postgres" is clearly special in ways other than 
>> just as the name of the owner of the within-cluster implementation. [but the 
>> name "postgres" from the O/S user] was thrust upon me simply by using the 
>> recommended "apt install postgresql-11" method. I had no say at all in the 
>> choice of this name. (as it happens, I did have a Linux user called 
>> "postgres" before I started. But I seem to recall, from PG installations on 
>> Ubuntu that I did a few years ago, that the Linux user "postgres" was simply 
>> created for me when I didn't already have it.
> Again you are not getting the distinction between OS and database user. The 
> directory /var/lib/postgresql/11/main is owned by postgres.postgres so any 
> files created in it will be, as the message stated, owned by OS user 
> postgres. Going back to this:
> «
> -U username
> --username=username
>    Selects the user name of the database superuser. This defaults to the name 
> of the effective user running initdb. It is really not important what the 
> superuser's name is, but one might choose to keep the customary name 
> postgres, even if the operating system user's name is different.
> «
> in the database cluster (the SQL part) itself the 'owning' database role will 
> be usr. The package  installation set up an OS user postgres that runs the OS 
> side of the operation e.g the server code. It also by default uses that same 
> name as the database superuser when creating a new cluster. This user then 
> owns the SQL side. You can, however, change the SQL 'owner' for new cluster 
> as you did.

That's unfair. I do appreciate the distinction. And I tried my best to show 
this in what I wrote. Moreover, my empirical tests seem to show that you can 
start a session without specifying the name of the cluster role as which to 
authorize, its password, and the name of the database to which to connect ONLY 
when these things are true:

1. The within-cluster, uniquely special, role that owns the catalogs and 
similar (designated as the "database superuser") has a certain name, say 

2.  The O/S user that owns (most of) the O/S presence of the cluster and the 
software that accesses it has the identical name "pg_system".

3. The current O/S user when you make the attempt to connect is "pg_system".

It's uncomfortable when I've merely speculated that this is the rule. And I 
want to read the definitive account. That's why I asked this:

>> *Where can I read a nice, linear, soup-to-nuts account of this whole 
>> business that introduces, and that consistently uses, the proper terms of 
>> art?*

Maybe there simply is no such account. And maybe one simply has to pick up the 
correct "do this, and this happens" understanding—without the support of an 
explicated mental model with suitable associated terms of art. But I think that 
my question is fair—and that it deserves an answer.

It's essential to understand this when you perform the Ubuntu installation as 
the doc specifies. If you don't, then you'll be stuck when you want to try the 
first, and critical, test for a successful installation—to start a session 
using psql. If you know what conventions the installation follows, and if you 
know the mental model, then you'll know that you can do a bare "psql" or, if 
you prefer, this as the "pstgres" O/S user

psql -c "alter role postgres with password 'x'";

where, here, the names of both halves of the coin were non-negotiably chosen by 
the installation flow. But if you don't know these things, then you'll be stuck.

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