Stefan Froehlich <> writes:
> I followed the suggestion to trace down the faulty record, found and
> fixed it. Now I can access that record again, but if I try to dump
> the table I get:
> | 2022-11-06 11:52:36.367 CET [2098-35] LOG:  server process (PID 2964738) 
> was terminated by signal 11: Segmentation fault

> Whatever was "done" does not prevent the problem from being
> reproducible. I tried to track down this faulty record as well, but
> binary proves difficult with 25*10^6 rows if the server crashes and
> rebuilds after each try.
> Is there any reasonable way to proceed from here?

contrib/amcheck might help to identify the faulty data (at this
point there's reason to fear multiple corruptions ...).  If
you're running v14 or v15 there's a frontend for that called

                        regards, tom lane

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