On 1/1/23 14:48, Adrian Klaver wrote:
On 1/1/23 13:11, Antonis Christodoulou wrote:
Hello Adrian,

No it’s not open, but the database itself has very simple credentials (I am just starting with PostgreSQL). What’s weird about the logs?

Not the logs the ps output. I would expect to see something like:

ps -ef | grep postgres
postgres  395382       1  0  2022 ?        00:03:31 /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/postgres -D /var/lib/postgresql/14/main -c config_file=/etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf postgres  395384  395382  0  2022 ?        00:00:01 postgres: 14/main: checkpointer postgres  395385  395382  0  2022 ?        00:00:26 postgres: 14/main: background writer postgres  395386  395382  0  2022 ?        00:00:26 postgres: 14/main: walwriter postgres  395387  395382  0  2022 ?        00:01:45 postgres: 14/main: autovacuum launcher postgres  395388  395382  0  2022 ?        00:00:05 postgres: 14/main: archiver last was 0000000100000003000000B9.00000028.backup postgres  395389  395382  0  2022 ?        00:01:37 postgres: 14/main: stats collector postgres  395390  395382  0  2022 ?        00:02:24 postgres: 14/main: pg_cron launcher postgres  395391  395382  0  2022 ?        00:00:01 postgres: 14/main: logical replication launcher


postgres 3342383       1  0  2022 ?        00:00:00 FzXlkULu
postgres 3344758       1 99  2022 ?        3-14:39:11 OElid7Dp
postgres 3419125       1 18 13:57 ?        01:17:03 tracepath

just does not look right.

At the very least disconnect that machine from the internet.  Completely.

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