On Fri, 13 Jan 2023, David Rowley wrote:

I'd expect reducing random_page_cost to make the Mege Join cheaper as
that's where the Index Scan is. I'm not quite sure where you think the
random I/O is coming from in a batched hash join.

Thanks for the feedback, indeed you are right! Decreasing random_page_cost
to values way below the default makes the planner prefer the merge join!
This seems strange to me.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, as I'm a newcomer to PostgreSQL, but here
is how I understand things according to posts I've read, and classical

+ The Hash Join is fastest when one side fits in work_mem. Then on one
  hand you have a hash table lookup (amortized O(1)) and on the other
  hand, if the table has M rows that that do not fit in memory, you have
  sequential reads from the disk (given low fragmentation of the table or
  index files):  For every line you read from the disk, you lookup the key
  in the hash table.

  If the hash table does not fit in RAM then the cost becomes prohibitive.
  Every lookup is a random access possibly hitting the disk. The total
  cost should be random_page_cost * M.

+ The Merge Join involves mostly sequential accesses if the disk files are
  not fragmented. It reads sequentially and in parallel from both tables,
  merging the results where the key matches.

  It requires on-disk sorting (because tables don't fit in work_mem), but
  even this operation requires little disk seeking. A merge-sort algorithm
  might have a random access cost of logN * random_page_cost.

So I would expect an increased random_page_cost to benefit the Merge Join
algorithm. And since my setup involves spinning disks, it does makes sense
to increase it.

It would be interesting to see the same plans with SET track_io_timing
= on; set.  It's possible that there's less *actual* I/O going on with
the Merge Join plan vs the Hash Join plan.  Since we do buffered I/O,
without track_io_timing, we don't know if the read buffers resulted in
an actual disk read or a read from the kernel buffers.

The database has been VACUUM ANALYZEd first and is otherwise idle.
Every query has been run twice, and I paste here only the 2nd run.

Slow Hash Join:

NATURAL JOIN workitem_ids;

 Hash Join  (cost=121222.68..257633.01 rows=3702994 width=241) (actual 
time=145641.295..349682.387 rows=3702994 loops=1)
   Output: tasks_mm_workitems.workitem_n, tasks_mm_workitems.task_n, 
   Inner Unique: true
   Hash Cond: (tasks_mm_workitems.workitem_n = workitem_ids.workitem_n)
   Buffers: shared hit=12121 read=50381, temp read=56309 written=56309
   I/O Timings: shared/local read=745.925, temp read=162199.307 write=172758.699
   ->  Seq Scan on public.tasks_mm_workitems  (cost=0.00..53488.94 rows=3702994 
width=8) (actual time=0.114..1401.896 rows=3702994 loops=1)
         Output: tasks_mm_workitems.workitem_n, tasks_mm_workitems.task_n
         Buffers: shared hit=65 read=16394
         I/O Timings: shared/local read=183.959
   ->  Hash  (cost=59780.19..59780.19 rows=1373719 width=237) (actual 
time=145344.555..145344.557 rows=1373737 loops=1)
         Output: workitem_ids.workitem_id, workitem_ids.workitem_n
         Buckets: 4096  Batches: 512  Memory Usage: 759kB
         Buffers: shared hit=12056 read=33987, temp written=43092
         I/O Timings: shared/local read=561.966, temp write=142221.740
         ->  Seq Scan on public.workitem_ids  (cost=0.00..59780.19 rows=1373719 
width=237) (actual time=0.033..1493.652 rows=1373737 loops=1)
               Output: workitem_ids.workitem_id, workitem_ids.workitem_n
               Buffers: shared hit=12056 read=33987
               I/O Timings: shared/local read=561.966
 Settings: effective_cache_size = '500MB', enable_memoize = 'off', 
hash_mem_multiplier = '1', max_parallel_workers_per_gather = '1', work_mem = 
   Buffers: shared hit=8
 Planning Time: 0.693 ms
 Execution Time: 350290.496 ms
(24 rows)

Fast Merge Join:

# SET enable_hashjoin TO off;

NATURAL JOIN workitem_ids;

 Merge Join  (cost=609453.49..759407.78 rows=3702994 width=241) (actual 
time=4602.623..9700.435 rows=3702994 loops=1)
   Output: tasks_mm_workitems.workitem_n, tasks_mm_workitems.task_n, 
   Merge Cond: (workitem_ids.workitem_n = tasks_mm_workitems.workitem_n)
   Buffers: shared hit=5310 read=66086, temp read=32621 written=32894
   I/O Timings: shared/local read=566.121, temp read=228.063 write=526.739
   ->  Index Scan using workitem_ids_pkey on public.workitem_ids  
(cost=0.43..81815.86 rows=1373719 width=237) (actual time=0.034..1080.800 
rows=1373737 loops=1)
         Output: workitem_ids.workitem_n, workitem_ids.workitem_id
         Buffers: shared hit=5310 read=49627
         I/O Timings: shared/local read=448.952
   ->  Materialize  (cost=609372.91..627887.88 rows=3702994 width=8) (actual 
time=4602.576..6621.072 rows=3702994 loops=1)
         Output: tasks_mm_workitems.workitem_n, tasks_mm_workitems.task_n
         Buffers: shared read=16459, temp read=32621 written=32894
         I/O Timings: shared/local read=117.168, temp read=228.063 write=526.739
         ->  Sort  (cost=609372.91..618630.40 rows=3702994 width=8) (actual 
time=4602.569..5414.072 rows=3702994 loops=1)
               Output: tasks_mm_workitems.workitem_n, tasks_mm_workitems.task_n
               Sort Key: tasks_mm_workitems.workitem_n
               Sort Method: external merge  Disk: 65256kB
               Buffers: shared read=16459, temp read=32621 written=32894
               I/O Timings: shared/local read=117.168, temp read=228.063 
               ->  Seq Scan on public.tasks_mm_workitems  (cost=0.00..53488.94 
rows=3702994 width=8) (actual time=0.034..1113.868 rows=3702994 loops=1)
                     Output: tasks_mm_workitems.workitem_n, 
                     Buffers: shared read=16459
                     I/O Timings: shared/local read=117.168
 Settings: effective_cache_size = '500MB', enable_hashjoin = 'off', 
enable_memoize = 'off', hash_mem_multiplier = '1', 
max_parallel_workers_per_gather = '1', work_mem = '1MB'
   Buffers: shared hit=2 read=6
   I/O Timings: shared/local read=0.152
 Planning Time: 0.570 ms
 Execution Time: 12165.894 ms
(29 rows)


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