
From 2019, I've been using AlmaLinux from version 8.4 up to now version 8.7. This January, I've been trying to upgrade PostgreSQL from v14.6 to v15.1. When I install PostgreSQL v14.6 along side with v15.1 in the same server, it run without trouble at all, but because I'm using the PostGIS extension, there is one package *ogr_fdw_14 *than cannot be along side with the *ogr_fdw_15 *version, specifically on this file:

Error: Transaction test error:

file /usr/lib/.build-id/a0/a43182caa55ed9d3562e2d9b74a1dda150e2c4 from
install of ogr_fdw_15-1.1.3-1.rhel8.x86_64 conflicts with file from
package ogr_fdw_14-1.1.3-1.rhel8.x86_64

because of this problem, I'm currently stuck on upgrading the PostgreSQL to v15.1. Last week, on my development server I can install the *ogr_fdw_15 *on by using manual extraction of the RPM package to each individual directory with exception the conflicted file, and the extension is successfully installed and detected on the PostgreSQL v15.1.  Next weekend, I planned on upgrading the production server to v15.1 using the same method, unless anyone here can show me other method than manually extracting the RPM package.

May be someone here on this mailing-list have access to the package manager that build the *ogr_fdw_14 *and *ogr_fdw_15* package, and release the package update to resolve the conflicted file, I'll be waiting for the package release update before I rollout the update to my production server.

Best Regards,
Surya Widyanto

On 31-01-2023 15:02, Giovanni Biscontini wrote:
Hello everyone,
 we're looking for a Open Source alternative to Rhel for our VM server dedicated to Postgresql (14->15) installations. We're testing Alma, Rocky, and Oracle distributions as they're compatible with Rhel package systems.
Can you share your experience on a similar choice?
Thanks in advance and best regards, Giovanni


*Cordiali Saluti - Best Regards*

***Dott. Giovanni Biscontini*

* [Divisone Software]*

**WEB: https://www.es2000.it <http://www.es2000.it/>


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