Zahir Lalani <> writes:
> LEFT JOIN lateral (
>                                 CASE
> WHEN (0 > 0) THEN
> convert_from(crypto_secretbox_open, 'utf8')::JSON
> END AS edata
>                                 crypto_secretbox_open(coalesce(null, 
> '')::bytea, coalesce(null, '')::bytea,0)
> where (0>0)
> ) enc ON true

> The issue is that, even when the key is 0, the select is still run (its part 
> of a lateral join) and what we need to achieve is to effectively have a 
> conditional where we only run the select if the key > 0 otherwise we return 
> null - I have a brain freeze on this! I am sure there is an easy solution, 
> but right now I can't see it.

Is crypto_secretbox_open marked IMMUTABLE?  I think recent PG versions
are capable of folding this all to a constant if so, whereas older
ones might not have.  If you care about when/whether crypto_secretbox_open
runs, then it must have side-effects, so it shouldn't be IMMUTABLE.

                        regards, tom lane

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