Is the data in your tables stored in natural correlation with those *three* columns?  I'm dubious that can even happen.

BRIN is best for *range queries* on tables who's data is added in the same order as the key in the BRIN index (for example, a BRIN index on a timestamp field in a log table where new records are always being appended in "timestamp" order).

It would also be great for history tables where you can pre-sort the data by, for example, customer_id, and then put the BRIN on customer_id.

On 2/8/23 13:58, Siddharth Jain wrote:
our insertion order is of course != index order otherwise the question would have been trivial.
we use postgres 14

On Wed, Feb 8, 2023 at 11:51 AM Siddharth Jain <> wrote:


    We have large tables with billions of rows in them and want to take
    advantage of the BRIN index on them.

    Issues we are facing:

      * as I understand, BRIN index is useful only if the data is stored
        in index order. As an example we want to create a composite BRIN
        index on 3 columns - integers and strings (varchar). How can we
        tell Postgres to store data in index order as new records are
        inserted into the database?
      * i understand that turning on autosummarize will keep the index
        fresh and up-to-date as new records are inserted. is this correct?

    Thanks for your help.


Born in Arizona, moved to Babylonia.

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