On 18.02.23 17:16, Erik Wienhold wrote:
On 18/02/2023 15:02 CET Tomas Pospisek <t...@sourcepole.ch> wrote:

so I'm trying to authenticate psql (on Windows) -> postgres (on Linux)
via Active Directory.

psql (Linux) -> postgres (Linux) with authentication against Active
Directory does work.

However the same with psql.exe on Windows does not. I get:

      D:\>C:\OSGeo4W\bin\psql.exe service=the_db
      psql: error: connection to server at "dbserver.example.lan
      (, port 5432 failed: could not initiate GSSAPI
      security context: No credentials were supplied, or the credentials
      were unavailable or inaccessible: Internal credentials cache error

psql.exe from the OSGeo4W QGIS Installer *does* include GSS support. (I
have tried with a different psql.exe without GSS support and it would
tell me that it does not support GSS).

The .pg_service.conf file in the users $HOME directory looks like this:


This same pg_service.conf does work for psql (Linux).

On Windows the service file is not read from $home/.pg_service.conf but
$env:appdata/postgresql/.pg_service.conf (or 
when using cmd.exe.)

Thank you Erik,

the location of the .pg_service.conf file is not the problem, as I am seeing that psql.exe is reacting to its contents, that is authenticating differently depending on whether gssencmode is set or not (maybe I noted its location wrongly, since i've written the post from my notes, as I do not have access to the machines in question all the time).

Do you have authentication from psql.exe against Active Directory working?

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