On 2/27/23 11:52 AM, nikhil raj wrote:

Reply to list also
Ccing list.

HI Adrian,

  Yes, I have tried it through the same error.

Orion_db=> select api."post_publish_Roster"()
Orion_db -> ;
ERROR:  relation "roster_table" does not exist
LINE 94: ...           interval '1 day')::date as d_date FROM roster_tab...

drop table if exists roster_table;
create temp table roster_table as
SELECT roster_id, link_id, paynumber, username, line_position,  crewname,weeknumber,weekstartdate,weekenddate
         FROM crew_links.links_map
        CROSS JOIN LATERAL get_weeks( '2023-02-12', '2023-03-04') AS weekdata         WHERE roster_id=234 and weekdata.weeknumber in (select min(weeknumber) from  get_weeks('2023-02-12', '2023-03-04') );

         DO $$

I missed it the first time, you are embedding a DO inside the function.

1) Pretty sure that is not going to work. Especially as you are changing languages.

2) Why are you doing that?

3) Either incorporate everything into one function or create separate stand alone function for the DO portion and use that in the post_publish_Roster

Adrian Klaver

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