On 4/5/23 23:21, Louis Tian wrote:
This is a question/feature request.

Given the definition of upsert, I'd expect an upsert command to do the 
- `upsert into person (id, name) values (0, 'foo')` to insert a new row
- `upsert into person (id, is_active) values (0, true)` updates the is_active 
column for the row inserted above

Naturally, since there isn't a real upsert command in PostgreSQL this won't 
work today.
But can we achieve the same effect with "INSERT ... ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE" like 
a lot of references on the internet seems to suggest.

insert into person (id, name) values (0, 'foo') on conflict ("id") do update 
set id=excluded.id, name=excluded.name
insert into person (id, is_active) values (0, true) on conflict ("id") do 
update set id=excluded.id, is_active=excluded.is_active

insert into person (id, name, is_active) values (0, '', true) on conflict ("id") do update set id=excluded.id, name=person.name, is_active=excluded.is_active ;

select * from person;
 id | name | is_active
  0 | foo  | t

Unfortunately. the second statement will fail due to violation of the not null constraint 
on the "name" column.
PostgreSQL will always try to insert the row into the table first. and only 
fallback to update when the uniqueness constraint is violated.
Is this behavior wrong? maybe not, I think it is doing what it reads quite 
That being said, I have never had a need for the ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE 
statement other than where I need upsert.
But using it as "upsert" is only valid when the table is absent of any NOT NULL 
constraint on it's non primary key columns.
So, if my experience/use case is typical (meaning the main purpose / use case 
for ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE is to support upsert) then it can be argue the 
current behavior is incorrect?

This has been a source confusion to say at least.

The MERGE command introduced in PG15 in theory can be used to do UPSERT 
properly that is void of the aforementioned limitation.
The downside is it is rather verbose.

This there a way to do an upsert proper prior to PG15?

*Feature Request*
Given that UPSERT is an *idempotent* operator it is extremely useful.
Would love to see an UPSERT command in PostgreSQL so one can 'upsert' properly 
and easily.

Louis Tian

Adrian Klaver

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