On 4/11/23 11:41, Joe Carlson wrote:

I’ve recently encountered the issue of trying to insert more than 1 Gb into a 
TEXT column. While the docs say TEXT is unlimited length, I had been unaware of 
the 1Gb buffer size limitations.

We can debate whether or not saving something this big in a single column is a 
good idea (spoiler: it isn’t. But not my design and, in fairness, was not 
anticipated when the schema was designed.), I’d like to implement something 
that is not a major disruption and try to keep the mods on the server side. My 
first idea is to have a chunked associated table (in pseudo code)

CREATE TABLE associated(key_id integer references main_table(key_id), chunk 
integer, text_start integer, text_end integer, text_chunk TEXT);

And define functions for inserting and selecting by dividing into 1Mb chunks

   chunk INTEGER := 0;
   key_id ALIAS for $1;
   the_text ALIAS for $2;
   text_chunk TEXT;
     text_chunk := substr(the_text,chunk*1000000,1000000);
     IF length(text_chunk) = 0 THEN
     END IF;
     INSERT INTO associated(key_id,chunk,text_start,text_end,text_chunk) VALUES 
     chunk := chunk + 1;
   RETURN chunk;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

This apparently runs into the same issues of buffers size: I get an ‘invalid 
message length’ in the log file and the insert fails. I can see from adding 
notices in the code that I never enter the LOOP; I assume having function 
arguments > 1Gb is also a bad thing.

I’d like to continue to keep the modifications on the server size. And I’d like 
to believe someone else has had this problem before. Any suggestions other than 
have the client do the chunking? Can I use a different language binding and get 
around the argument length limitations?


I've hit this same limitation in Java (with write to db).  What is your stack in this case?  Not sure my solution applies.

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