On 5/5/23 10:55 AM, Rajmohan Masa wrote:

Please reply to list also.
Ccing list.

Hi Adrian,
Are both the above the same for the original and restored database?
*Backup Server Details:*
Postgres version : *PostgreSQL 14.5*
OS and version : *Windows server 2019 Datacenter*

*Restore Server Details:*
Postgres version : *PostgreSQL 13.2*
OS and version : *Windows server 2012 R2 Datacenter*

From here:


"Also, it is not guaranteed that pg_dump's output can be loaded into a server of an older major version — not even if the dump was taken from a server of that version. Loading a dump file into an older server may require manual editing of the dump file to remove syntax not understood by the older server."

*_Provide the commands you used to arrive at sizes below:_

The command/process you used to determine sizes?

We are using a Windows server so By Using the PgAdmin4 tool, I'm taking Backup and restore.

Using what settings?

*How was object count arrived at?*

object count would be the same.

How was the object count determined?

*Have you looked at the Postgres log to see if there might be relevant
Yeah,I checked with Log also but from there I didn't get anything.

The dump/restore should have left some trace, have you looked through the log carefully for anything saying data was not added. In particular the a COPY failed.

Where there any errors/warnings during the restore?

Thanks& Regards,
Rajamohan M.

On Fri, May 5, 2023 at 9:52 PM Adrian Klaver <adrian.kla...@aklaver.com <mailto:adrian.kla...@aklaver.com>> wrote:

    On 5/5/23 08:35, Rajmohan Masa wrote:
     > Hi Team,
     > I took Postgres database Backup through Directory format with
     > compression.These are the details

    Postgres version?

    OS and version?

    Are both the above the same for the original and restored database?

    Provide the commands you used to arrive at sizes below.

     > Database Size: *3985 GB*
     > Backup file Size will be*212 GB.*
     > *
     > *

    Command used to restore the database?

    Again command used to determine size of below.

     > After that I Restored this backup file (212GB), but I'm getting
     > size will be 456 GB.
     > So immediately I checked with *Table Bloats,latest statistics and
     > vacuum status*. After that I applied "*Vacuum Full Verbose
    analyze*" and
     > " *Reindex*  " on that Database. Here I achieved Database size
    will be
     > R*educed from 3985 GB to 2582GB.*
     > *
     > *
     > After this process,again**I took  Backup through Directory format
     > compression.These are the details
     > Database Size: *2582 GB*
     > Backup file Size will be* 212 GB.*
     > After that I Restored this backup file (212 GB), but I'm getting
     > Database size will be 456 GB.

    How was object count arrived at?

     > Here I checked with Object Counts, I'm getting the same count in
    Both Db's.
     > *_
     > _*
     > *_why am I unable to get Original Database size/Approximately nearby
     > original DB size in restore location ?_*

    Have you looked at the Postgres log to see if there might be relevant

    Where there any errors/warnings during the restore?

     > *_
     > _*
     > *_
     > _*
     > *_
     > _*
     > Thanks & Regards,
     > Rajamohan M.

-- Adrian Klaver
    adrian.kla...@aklaver.com <mailto:adrian.kla...@aklaver.com>

Adrian Klaver

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