
Please don't top-post on these lists.

* Nathaniel Sabanski ( wrote:
> I believe most users would anticipate a CREATE TABLE statement that aligns
> with the currently installed version- this is the practical solution for
> the vast majority.

Perhaps a bit more discussion about what exactly the use-case is would
be helpful- what would you use this feature for?

> In situations where a CREATE TABLE statement compatible with an older
> version of Postgres is required, users can opt for an additional step of
> using tools like pg_dump or an older version of Postgres itself. This
> allows them to ensure compatibility without compromising the practicality
> of the process.

The issue is really both older and newer versions, not just older ones
and not just newer ones.

To the extent you're interested in this, I pointed out where you could
go look at the existing code as well as an idea for how to move this



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