> On 25/05/2023 09:14 CEST Laura Smith <n5d9xq3ti233xiyif...@protonmail.ch> 
> wrote:
> I'm currently doing a CSV export using COPY:
> COPY (select * from foo where bar='foo') TO '/tmp/bar.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV 
> This works great apart from accents are not preserved in the output, for
> example é gets converted to random characters, e.g. √© or similar.
> How can I preserve accents ?

Looks like an encoding issue and a mismatch between database encoding and client
encoding.  You can check both with:

        SHOW server_encoding;
        SHOW client_encoding;

Then either set the client encoding or use COPY's encoding option to match the
database encoding (I assume utf8 in this example):

        SET client_encoding = 'utf8';
        COPY (...) TO /tmp/bar.csv DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER ENCODING 'utf8';


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