
Following the upgrade from version 12.5 to 12.14, you have encountered an issue 
where the windows application fails to connect, and the log messages indicate 
the following:

FATAL: SSPI authentication failed for user "xxx".
DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf.

The application establishes a successful connection when the connection string 
Timeout=60;Integrated Security=True;"

However, it fails when the string contains "SSL Mode=Require;Trust Server 
Certificate=True;", and reverting back to version 12.5 resolves the issue.

It is worth noting that pgAdmin uses the same usermap and connection is 
successful. You have also attempted to add the Active Directory user to the 
usermap, but the connection remains unsuccessful.

We appreciate your detailed explanation of the situation and will provide 
assistance accordingly.

Albert Praveen

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