Hi All,

I have a table like below

Create table if not exists digi_card(
     Digi_card_id varchar(100),
    created_date timestamp,
    updated_date timestamp,
     status varchar(50),
     reason varchar(50)

Sample values:

Insert into digi_card values ('ee4422', '2019-03-01 00:25:00', '2021-03-31
Insert into digi_card values ('ee4423', '2019-08-01 00:25:00', '2022-07-31
00:33:00','Undigiized ','Move');
Insert into digi_card values ('ee4424', '2021-03-01 00:25:00', '2023-02-27

I want to display the card which was deleted after 24 months from the
corresponding  created month and the results should be store on the
temporary tables so i have written the below stored procedure

CREATE or REPLACE PROCEDURE deleted_cards_count_test(start_date TIMESTAMP,
end_date TIMESTAMP) AS $$
current_date TIMESTAMP;
month_start_date TIMESTAMP;
month_end_date TIMESTAMP;
month24_end_date TIMESTAMP;
no_deleted_cards bigint;
    current_date := start_date;
month_end_date := to_char(date_trunc('month', current_date) + interval '24
month - 1 day' + interval '23 hours 59 minutes 5 seconds','YYYY-MM-DD
Create temporary table if not exists temp_teport_results(
month_start_date TIMESTAMP,
no_deleted_cards bigint
     EXECUTE format('
SELECT COUNT(1) filter (where status =''Undigitized'' and reason is null
and updated_date between %L and %L) no_deleted_cards from digi_card where
created_date between %L and %L
group by months',current_date,month_end_date)INTO no_deleted_cards;
Insert into temp_teport_results (month_start_date,no_deleted_cards) VALUES
--- display result
     select * from temp_teport_results;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

It was created successfully, but when I called this procedure with
parameters. i am getting this below error ,Pls guide me to fix the issue

CALL deleted_cards_count_test( '2019-03-01 00:00:00',  '2021-03-31
ERROR:  too few arguments for format()
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function deleted_cards_count_test(timestamp without time
zone,timestamp without time zone) line 16 at EXECUTE


A.Rama Krishnan

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