On 7/10/23 13:20, Johnathan Tiamoh wrote:

Ok Adrian,

Postgres 9.5


         password_encryption  = ?  md5  ====> wish is the default for 9.5

      pg_hba.conf    -----------------> md5

          Provide the relevant lines

Postgres 14.8


         password_encryption  = ?   scram-sha-256  ====> which is the
default for 14.8

      pg_hba.conf      md5

You have not answered:

2) Provide the error messages received when trying to connect.
[XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX| APPNAME=[unknown]| DB=proftpd| USER=proftpd| PID=9053| 2| authentication| PGE-28P01: DETAIL:  Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 113: "host    all         all <>             md5"

The above is not showing any actual error. There should a part that says what failed when connecting.

Adrian Klaver

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