On Mon, Aug 7, 2023 at 7:00 PM KK CHN <kkchn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 7, 2023 at 10:49 AM Ron <ronljohnso...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 8/7/23 00:02, KK CHN wrote:
>> List,
>> I am in need to copy a production PostgreSQL server  data( 1 TB)  to  an
>> external storage( Say USB Hard Drive) and need to set up a backup server
>> with this data dir.
>> What is the trivial method to achieve this ??
pg_basebackup backs up the data dir.

Alternatively you could use another tool like pgbackrest which also has
some nice features regarding incremental backups, wal management etc and
parallel backup and restore.

>> 1. Is Sqldump an option at a production server ?? (  Will this affect the
>> server performance  and possible slowdown of the production server ? This
>> server has a high IOPS). This much size 1.2 TB will the Sqldump support ?
>> Any bottlenecks ?
A sql dump can be had with pg_dumpall, but this is a different backup
strategy.  I would recommend in that case pg_dumpall -g to dump only
globals (roles and tablespaces) and then pg_dump on the databases
individually with format selection to either custom (if parallelism is not
required) or tar (if it is).  See the pg_dump man page for details.

The file size will depend on file format selected etc.  My naive guess for
custom format would be maybe 200-400GB.  For tar format probably more
(double or more) but total size depends on many factors and cannot be
reliably estimated.  In rare cases, it could even be larger than your data

>> Whether or not there will be bottlenecks depends on how busy (CPU and
>> disk load) the current server is.
pg_basebackup is limited  by the fact that it is single threaded on both
sides (aside from wal), and this also limits disk I/O as well as network
throughput (if you have a long fat pipe).

pg_dump is also limited by having to interpret and serialize the output,
and also, if you have large text or binary fields, having to retrieve these
one at a time.  Additionally you could have lock contention.

>> 2. Is copying the data directory from the production server to an
>> external storage and replace the data dir  at a  backup server with same
>> postgres version and replace it's data directory with this data dir copy is
>> a viable option ?
There is a lot of complexity to doing that right.  If you want to do that,
look at using pgbackrest.

>> # cp  -r   ./data  /media/mydb_backup  ( Does this affect the Production
>> database server performance ??)   due to the copy command overhead ?
>> OR  doing a WAL Replication Configuration to a standby is the right
>> method to achieve this ??
That is often also used, but you need to define what you want out of a
backup.  A standby will protect you from hardware failure for the most
part.  It will not, without a lot of other thought and configuration,
protect you from an administrator accidently dropping an important table or
database.   WAL archiving and backups can help there though (and hence my
recommendation for pgbackrest, which can also restore the data directory
and/or wals to a standby).

>> But you say you can't establish a network connection outside the DC.  ( I
>> can't do for a remote machine .. But I can do  a WAL replication to another
>> host in the same network inside the DC. So that If I  do a sqldump  or Copy
>> of Data dir of the standby server it won't affect the production server, is
>> this sounds good  ?  )
With a good backup archive accessible from only the places it needs to be
accessed, this problem goes away.

>>  This is to take out the database backup outside the Datacenter and our
>> DC policy won't allow us to establish a network connection outside the DC
>> to a remote location for WAL replication .
>> If you're unsure of what Linux distro & version and Postgresql version
>> that you'll be restoring the database to, then the solution is:
>> DB=the_database_you_want_to_backup
>> THREADS=<some_number>
>> cd $PGDATA
>> cp -v pg_hba.conf postgresql.conf /media/mydb_backup
>> cd /media/mydb_backup
>> pg_dumpall --globals-only > globals.sql
> What is the relevance of  globals-only and  what this will do  ${DB}.log
> // or is it  ${DB}.sql  ?
> pg_dump --format=d --verbose --jobs=$THREADS $DB &> ${DB}.log      // .log
>> couldn't get an idea what it mean
>> If you're 100% positive that the system you might someday restore to is
>> *exactly* the same distro & version, and Postgresql major version, then
>> I'd use PgBackRest.
>> --
>> Born in Arizona, moved to Babylonia.

Best Wishes,
Chris Travers

Efficito:  Hosted Accounting and ERP.  Robust and Flexible.  No vendor

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