On 8/15/23 13:52, Rob Sargent wrote:
On 8/15/23 12:57, Adrian Klaver wrote:
On 8/15/23 11:43, Rob Sargent wrote:
On 8/15/23 12:38, Adrian Klaver wrote:
On 8/15/23 08:08, Jason Long wrote:
Does PostgreSQL have a graphical environment for management or is it only managed through CLI?

There are, but make your life easier and learn to use psql:


It ships with Postgres and runs close to the database. Saves you the time tracking down the issues that the GUI transformation code introduce.

Thank you.

Much as I love it, psql is not what I would call a management tool?

Why not?

All the nice buzzwordy things: dashboards, alarm bells, point-and-click drop downs for config values (with tool tip descriptions of what they might do), coffee dispenser.  Things some feel they need in a management tool.

Ahh, the boss screen. Where you look like you are doing something when you are not.

Adrian Klaver

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