El mié, 16 ago 2023 6:54, Ron <ronljohnso...@gmail.com> escribió:

> On 8/15/23 23:48, Olivier Gautherot wrote:
> El mié, 16 ago 2023 5:39, Ron <ronljohnso...@gmail.com> escribió:
>> On 8/15/23 04:24, Olivier Gautherot wrote:
>> [snip]
>> Does the database have to be on a storage like EMC or QNAP?
>> Faster storage can only help but I would start by discarding functional
>> overhead.
>> Functional overhead?
> I mean inefficient design, which won't be solved by changing the storage.
> Ah, the normal aspects of physical design...

... and considerung that the OP did not quantify what "slow" means and what
his reference/expectation is.

Let's wait for the OP to give more background.


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