Thank you.

Yes feature wise postgres seems rich as I read multiple blogs. And right
now, I can't think of any other reason for opting mysql though as opposed
to postgres.

However, One of the things regarding the transaction management, which I
see in most postgres blogs is 'mvcc'(multiversion concurrency control)
being an issue at times in a heavy concurrent system, in postgres as its
maintaining exact copies of all the old versions of the rows(if someone
still reading those) and at times cleaning these(vacuuming) becomes a pain.

Does AWS aurora postgres depend on the same vacuuming technology for
maintaining the transactions?
Does Aurora Mysql opt for a similar strategy for transaction management? or
any different/better ones?

On Thu, 21 Sept 2023 at 02:09, Laurenz Albe <>

> On Thu, 2023-09-21 at 01:17 +0530, veem v wrote:
> > I see multiple docs on the internet, stating the difference between
> Mysql and postgres.
> > But I want to understand the real views of the experienced folks here.
> >
> > While we are on AWS and planning to opt for one of the relational
> databases out of
> > mysql and postgres for our application(It is a Hybrid type, mostly
> dealing with
> > batch processing but also supporting OLTP type UI screens etc. and ACID
> transactions preferred).
> >
> > What all things/parameters should we keep in mind here for opting a
> database?
> > or in other words how to evaluate the suitable database for our
> application?
> You are asking the wrong people.  We here on the PostgreSQL mailing list
> will tell
> you that you shouldn't touch MySQL except with a long stick, and for
> almost all
> use cases PostgreSQL is preferable.  The people on MySQL mailing lists or
> forums
> might tell an entirely different story.
> I would say something about license and free software, but if you plan to
> lock
> yourself into the cage of a cloud hosted database, that probably doesn't
> matter much.
> Yours,
> Laurenz Albe

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