Στις 23/10/23 17:01, ο/η Alvaro Herrera έγραψε:
On 2023-Oct-23, Achilleas Mantzios - cloud wrote:

I believe this text is false on too many accounts. So, what's the consensus
about Inheritance in PostgreSQL, I am going to give a talk on it in November
and I wouldn't like to advertise/promote/teach something that the community
has decided to abandon or drop. Actually I proposed several topics and they
chose this one (Inheritance).
There are several things wrong with table inheritance; see [1] in our
docs, in addition to the things that the wiki page notes.  I think it's
good advice to stay clear of it, and if you're giving a talk, do not
talk about inheritance except to mention its drawbacks.  Regarding your
talk, I would strongly suggest to ask them to choose another topic from
your list.

Yes, those limitations are known, and must be dealt. The wiki IMHO is aggressive and insulting plus the advice to use FK instead of inheritance is at least laughable. I don't think there should be such an official text on the official PostgreSQL site.


[1] https://www.postgresql.org/docs/16/ddl-inherit.html#DDL-INHERIT-CAVEATS

Achilleas Mantzios
 Dynacom Tankers Mgmt

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