On 10/26/23 09:51, Atul Kumar wrote:

I have the postgres12 version running on centos7.

In pg_hba.conf file I have an entry like below:

host    all             all             <remote server ip>/32            md5

So from the above entry, I understand that all users can connect to all databases from the remote ip.

But when I use pg_basebackup from remote server using below command I get the below error:

pg_basebackup -h DB_server_hostname -p 5444 -U postgres -D /var/lib/edb/backups/10262023_1 -Fp -Xs -c fast -P

Error that I got:

pg_basebackup: error: FATAL:  no pg_hba.conf entry for replication connection from host "remote_ip", user "postgres", SSL off

So please help me understand why I am getting this error even after having a related entry in the pg_hba.conf file.



Specifies which database name(s) this record matches. The value all specifies that it matches all databases. The value sameuser specifies that the record matches if the requested database has the same name as the requested user. The value samerole specifies that the requested user must be a member of the role with the same name as the requested database. (samegroup is an obsolete but still accepted spelling of samerole.) Superusers are not considered to be members of a role for the purposes of samerole unless they are explicitly members of the role, directly or indirectly, and not just by virtue of being a superuser. The value replication specifies that the record matches if a physical replication connection is requested, however, it doesn't match with logical replication connections. Note that physical replication connections do not specify any particular database whereas logical replication connections do specify it. Otherwise, this is the name of a specific PostgreSQL database or a regular expression. Multiple database names and/or regular expressions can be supplied by separating them with commas.

If the database name starts with a slash (/), the remainder of the name is treated as a regular expression. (See Section for details of PostgreSQL's regular expression syntax.)

A separate file containing database names and/or regular expressions can be specified by preceding the file name with @.



Adrian Klaver

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