Now as text mail, sorry.
I accidentally posted the following to the bugs mailing list first. Sorry for 
this, now as a question here.
The company I work for used to only use Oracle databases for their program and 
now also supports PostgreSQL.
With Postgres, we create a database, a user and a schema, which all have the 
same name. The name is chosen by the customers.
Sometimes, the customers would like to export the data and definitions and 
import them under a new name.
This works well by using the -O (no owner) option for pg_dump/pg_restore and 
only exporting and importing the schema. After the import the schema is 
renamed. So far so simple and easy!
But there is one problem: we have a database function function1, which calls 
another function function2. To ensure that the function call is safe, we set a 
search_path for function1.
Both functions are created in the main schema (the one that is named by the 
customer), the search_path is therefore set to this schema:
ALTER FUNCTION function1 SET SEARCH_PATH TO <the schema name that the customer 
has chosen>
Since the search_path of the function is not renamed when the schema is 
renamed, I need to know that there is such a search_path, which I then manually 
change to the new schema name.
Would it be possible that there is a variable that designates the schema in 
which a function is located? Like this, for example:
Since $FUNCTION_SCHEMA would change to denote the new schema when renaming the 
schema I wouldn't have to change the search_path manually.
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