
On Tue, Jan 30, 2024 at 12:19 AM Guyren Howe <> wrote:

> Is there a good overview of programming WITHIN Postgres? Not writing code
> in client languages that communicates WITH Postgres, but how to take full
> advantage of Postgres’ unique programming features — the advanced type
> system, the various PL languages, triggers, stored procedures, functions, …

While it uses Postgres 11 for its basis (though it looks like an update for
15 is in-progress), I find The Art of PostgreSQL by Dimitri Fontaine ( to be an excellent discussion for
"Postgres-First" development. Would recommend studying the release notes
for the versions of Postgres released after 11 to catch up on all the
improvements / new features added since it was written.

Best Regards,

Joshua Kacsir

Joshua Kacsir
Data Architect

[This email was written *without* the assistance of LLMs]

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