> The pg_stat_*_tables tables idx_* columns has accumulated usage since the
> last time you started the postmaster.

Actually, those persist at restart - you can use

 select datname, stats_reset from pg_stat_database;

to see when/if they were reset. You can look for zero/low entries in
pg_stat_user_indexes.idx_scan to find unused indexes. Note that replicas
maintain their own stats, so checking only the primary may cause a false

> I sql server we have this option to disable it and need to rebuild it to
>> ensemble it
> Sadly, PG does not have ALTER INDEX ... DISABLE;.

Not really sure what the purpose of that is in sql server, but Ron is
correct, we have nothing equivalent. General usage in Postgres is to drop
the index if it is unused. If you need to create it again, easy enough with
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY. Keeping your schema changes in a VCS (e.g. git)
is a good way to document when and why the index was dropped. I suppose in
a pinch you could keep the old index around by sticking it in a table


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