I have upgraded from 9.5 to 14 using the -link option. It works fine.

I equally had streaming replication running on it.
I break(split brain)  replication and upgrade the standby, once it done and
everything is running smoothly, I then install version 14 to the old
primary and just configure streaming on it and all now runs on 14.

On Mon, Feb 12, 2024 at 5:08 AM Dávid Suchan <david.suchan...@gmail.com>

> Hi, I was wondering what is the safest pg_upgrade version upgrade distance
> going from 9.6 version. Do I need to go version by version or I can go from
> 9.6 to 15? We have a very huge database(TBs) with one replication server,
> so we will first run the pgupgrade on the main server and then rsync to a
> standby replica. I'm not sure whether it's safe to do it from 9.6 to 15 at
> once, I have tested the process on 9,6 to 10 yet. Would that be a wise
> approach to such an upgrade of the db?
> Also, when upgrading a very big database with replication where none of
> the data can be allowed to be lost, is the pgupgrade into rsync approach
> the best one? Thanks.

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