On Fri, Feb 16, 2024 at 4:04 PM sud <suds1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 16, 2024 at 10:50 PM Greg Sabino Mullane <htamf...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> You need to clearly define your threat model. What exactly are you
>> defending against? What scenario do you want to avoid?
>> Also, your decision of on-premise or Aurora is extremely relevant to your
>> range of options.
> Thank you.
> Yes these are Account number/PCI data and "data at rest" encryption is
> something management is asking to have irrespective of whether we encrypt
> those before storing in the database or not. And this system needs to
> adhere to PCI 4.0 standards , so it looks like we can't persist the PCI
> data as is in th database even if the 'data at rest' encryption is there,
> it has to be encrypted before storing into the database.
> https://www.varonis.com/blog/pci-dss-requirements
> Agreed. The on-premise vs aurora will take a different approach for
> catering to above needs. We are currently evaluating , what would be the
> possible options in each of these cases? and if this would be a factor in
> choosing the on-premise postgres vs aurora postgres?
> On Sat, Feb 17, 2024 at 12:40 AM Ron Johnson <ronljohnso...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> The problem with encrypting "account number" is that you can't JOIN or
>> WHERE on it. That's not always necessary, though.  The pgcrypto module does
>> what it says, but requires application-level changes,
>> Encryption at rest can be accomplished with filesystem-level encryption,
>> and backup encryption.  (PgBackRest has that feature, using AES-256.  Don't
>> know about BarMan.)
> Will try to verify these options. Considering these system processes 100's
> of millions of transactions

Per minute?  Hour?  Day?  Month?  Year?  Decade?

Continuous?  In waves?

, will these encryption add significant overhead?

"Significant" is relative, and depends on the CPU.

> It would be great, if you can suggest some doc to follow, for implementing
> these.

Google "pgcrypto".

> Not sure if the same would work for aurora too.

This list avoids giving help on Aurora, since it's very different from
Postgresql. AWS *RDS Postgresql* is much closer to vanilla Postgresql, so
we can help with that.

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