Laura Smith <> writes:
> I'm sure I'm doing something stupid here, but I think I've got the syntax 
> right ?
> The error I'm seeing:
> psql:event_session_funcs.sql:26: ERROR:  syntax error at or near "["
> LINE 11:         VALUES(p_event_id,[p_start_time,p_end_time)) RETURNI...

There's not bespoke SQL syntax for constructing a range.  You must
use a function, something like

VALUES(p_event_id, tstzrange(p_start_time,p_end_time,'[)')) ...

although I believe '[)' is the default bounds type so that could be
simplified to

VALUES(p_event_id, tstzrange(p_start_time,p_end_time)) ...

                        regards, tom lane

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