Thanks Tom,David and Chris for detailed opinions


On Sat, 23 Mar 2024 at 09:25, arun chirappurath <>

> Hi All,
> I have a table named  users with index on user name.
> CREATE TABLE users (
>     user_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
>     username VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
>     email VARCHAR(100) UNIQUE NOT NULL,
>     age INT
> );
> CREATE INDEX idx_username ON users (username);
> When I try to do below select query it's taking seq scan and query returns
> in 5ms.
> SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = 'example_username';
> I am trying to force query to use indexes  using query hints.
> Set enable indexscan to ON,
> Same for bitmap and index only scan
> and ran the query.
> However it still uses seq scan instead of index scan.
> 1. Is there a way to force query to use an index? With out changing
> default settings of postgres rds
>  2. Modifying random page cost is desired the way or hint extension? In
> which case do we use this?will it affect selecting index for all queries
> 3.i have done analyze on the table and tried recreating index..why is it
> still taking seq scan?
> In Sql server we can force query just by proving it directly in query.
> USE AdventureWorks
> GO
> SELECT c.ContactID
> FROM Person.Contact c
> WITH (INDEX(AK_Contact_rowguid))
> INNER JOIN Person.Contact pc
> WITH (INDEX(PK_Contact_ContactID))
> ON c.ContactID = pc.ContactID
> GO
> Thanks,
> Arun

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