Dear Adrian,

Adrian Klaver <> wrote:
Define 'read-only', especially as it applies to the privileges on the public schema.

I am not quite sure which information you are looking for
exactly. According to this [1], I ran the following query:

WITH "names"("name") AS (
  SELECT n.nspname AS "name"
    FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n
      WHERE n.nspname !~ '^pg_'
        AND n.nspname <> 'information_schema'
) SELECT "name",
  pg_catalog.has_schema_privilege(current_user, "name", 'CREATE') AS
  pg_catalog.has_schema_privilege(current_user, "name", 'USAGE') AS "usage"
    FROM "names";

And recieved the following result:

"name"        "create"      "usage"
"public"      true    true

Per Tom Lane's comments on timezone, log into the remote server and do:

SHOW timezone;

SET timezone = 'etc/UTC';
ERROR: invalid value for parameter "TimeZone": "etc/UTC"
SQL state: 22023

SET timezone = 'UTC';
ERROR: invalid value for parameter "TimeZone": "UTC"
SQL state: 22023

However, this lead me to [2] and I find the output very

SELECT * FROM pg_timezone_names ORDER BY name;

"name"        "abbrev"      "utc_offset"  "is_dst"
"Turkey"      "+03" "03:00:00"    false
"UCT" "UCT" "00:00:00"    false
"Universal"   "UTC" "00:00:00"    false
"W-SU"        "MSK" "03:00:00"    false

And then attempting

SET timezone = 'Universal';

Query returned successfully in 100 msec.

Any ideas on how to proceed?

Kind regards,

Adnan Dautovic


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