On 4/13/24 00:03, veem v wrote:
Thank you Adrian.

So it seems the heavy DML tables will see an impact if having triggers (mainly for each row trigger) created on them.

And also the bulk DML/array based insert (which inserts multiple rows in one short or one batch) , in those cases it seems the trigger will not make that happen as it will force it to make it happen row by row, as the trigger is row based. Will test anyway though.

You said you have triggers in the Oracle database and I assumed they worked and where not a show stopping issue there. What makes you think that would be different in Postgres?

What type of triggers where there in Oracle, per row, per statement or a mix?

On Thu, 11 Apr 2024 at 22:00, Adrian Klaver <adrian.kla...@aklaver.com <mailto:adrian.kla...@aklaver.com>> wrote:

    On 4/11/24 07:31, veem v wrote:
     > Hi, We used to use Oracle database in which we had audit
     > triggers(something as below) mandated for all tables by the control
     > team. Now we are going to use the postgresql 15.4 database for
    one of
     > our applications. So,wanted to understand if there exists any
     > of such audit trigger setup for all the tables? Will it impact
    the bulk
     > data insert/update/delete OR slowdown of any of the DML operations
     > significantly (and thus will not be advisable to use for all
    tables but
     > selected ones)?

    Triggers are overhead in Postgres as they where in Oracle. If they
    didn't cause an issue in Oracle I would suspect that would also be the
    case in Postgres. To confirm you would need to create a test setup and
    run some common operations and see what the overhead is.

    Some potential performance improvements:


    "...a trigger that is marked FOR EACH STATEMENT only executes once for
    any given operation, regardless of how many rows it modifies (in
    particular, an operation that modifies zero rows will still result in
    the execution of any applicable FOR EACH STATEMENT triggers)."


    "The REFERENCING option enables collection of transition relations,
    which are row sets that include all of the rows inserted, deleted, or
    modified by the current SQL statement. This feature lets the trigger
    a global view of what the statement did, not just one row at a time.
    This option is only allowed for an AFTER trigger that is not a
    constraint trigger; also, if the trigger is an UPDATE trigger, it must
    not specify a column_name list. OLD TABLE may only be specified once,
    and only for a trigger that can fire on UPDATE or DELETE; it creates a
    transition relation containing the before-images of all rows updated or
    deleted by the statement. Similarly, NEW TABLE may only be specified
    once, and only for a trigger that can fire on UPDATE or INSERT; it
    creates a transition relation containing the after-images of all rows
    updated or inserted by the statement."

    As example:


    Example 43.7. Auditing with Transition Tables

     >    ON tab
     >    FOR EACH ROW
     > BEGIN
     >        IF inserting THEN
     >          :NEW.create_timestamp := systimestamp;
     >          :NEW.create_userid  :=
     >          :NEW.update_timestamp := systimestamp;
     >          :NEW.update_userid := sys_context('USERENV','SESSION_USER');
     >        ELSIF updating THEN
     >          IF  updating('create_userid') OR
    updating('create_timestamp') THEN
     >              :new.create_userid   := :old.create_userid;
     >              :new.create_timestamp  := :old.create_timestamp;
     >          END IF;
     >          :NEW.update_timestamp := systimestamp;
     >          :NEW.update_userid := sys_context('USERENV','SESSION_USER');
     >        END IF;
     >    END;
     > /
     > Regards
     > Veem

-- Adrian Klaver
    adrian.kla...@aklaver.com <mailto:adrian.kla...@aklaver.com>

Adrian Klaver

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