Hello everyone!

Using Postgres v15.5. I'm struggling to attach a partition to a table with a 
primary key.

I have a partitioned table `Transactions`:
create table "Transactions"
    id          bigserial                                                       
not null,
    uid         uuid                                                            
not null,
    type        varchar(255)                                                    
not null,
    amount      numeric(26, 10)                                                 
not null,
    "createdAt" timestamp(3) default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP                          
not null,
    primary key (id, "createdAt")
) partition by RANGE ("createdAt")

create index "Transactions_createdAt_idx" on "Transactions" ("createdAt" desc);
create index "Transactions_type_idx" on "Transactions" (type);
create index "Transactions_uid_idx" on "Transactions" (uid);

I create a new partition every month which is a partitioned table itself. And 
then each day of the month I create a partition for a day.
CREATE TABLE "Transactions_20240618" (LIKE "Transactions_20240617" INCLUDING 
ALTER TABLE "Transactions_202406_parted" ATTACH PARTITION 
"Transactions_20240618" FOR VALUES FROM ('2024-06-18') TO ('2024-06-19');

In the beginning of the next month, I want to create a normal partition for 
that month, copy all transactions and drop the partitioned month to reduce 
number of partitions.

I'm trying to use the following script:

CREATE TABLE "Transactions_202404" (LIKE "Transactions_202404_parted" INCLUDING 
INSERT INTO "Transactions_202404" SELECT * FROM "Transactions_202404_parted";
alter table "Transactions_202404" add primary key (id, "createdAt");
create index "Transactions_202404_createdAt_idx" on "Transactions_202404" 
("createdAt" desc);
create index "Transactions_202404_type_idx" on "Transactions_202404" (type);
create index "Transactions_202404_uid_idx" on "Transactions_202404" (uid);
alter table "Transactions_202404" add constraint "Transactions_202404_check" 
check ("createdAt">='2024-04-01' and "createdAt"<'2024-05-01');
alter table "Transactions" detach partition "Transactions_202404_parted";
alter table "Transactions" attach partition "Transactions_202404" for values 
from ('2024-04-01') TO ('2024-05-01');
alter table "Transactions_202404" drop constraint "Transactions_202404_check";

At the pre-last row, when I try to attach the newly created partition, 
PostgreSQL blames me for trying to create a second primary key on table 

[42P16] ERROR: multiple primary keys for table "Transactions_202404" are not 

As I understand, PostgreSQL refuses to use existing primary key for some reason 
and tries to create its own as a children of "Transactions" table's primary key.

If I try to create a UNIQUE key for my new partition and then connect it to the 
main table, then it works, but I'm missing PK on the new partition.

The thing is, if I do all the steps with unique key and then create a PK on the 
already attached table, then reattach it so Postgres takes PK as children of 
main PK, then it works, check:

CREATE TABLE "Transactions_202404" (LIKE "Transactions_202404_parted" INCLUDING 
INSERT INTO "Transactions_202404" SELECT * FROM "Transactions_202404_parted";
alter table "Transactions_202404" add unique (id, "createdAt");
create index "Transactions_202404_createdAt_idx" on "Transactions_202404" 
("createdAt" desc);
create index "Transactions_202404_type_idx" on "Transactions_202404" (type);
create index "Transactions_202404_uid_idx" on "Transactions_202404" (uid);
alter table "Transactions_202404" add constraint "Transactions_202404_check" 
check ("createdAt">='2024-04-01' and "createdAt"<'2024-05-01');
alter table "Transactions" detach partition "Transactions_202404_parted";
alter table "Transactions" attach partition "Transactions_202404" for values 
from ('2024-04-01') TO ('2024-05-01');
-- start of PK fix
create unique index concurrently "Transactions_202404_pkey" on 
"Transactions_202404" (id, "createdAt");
alter table "Transactions_202404" add primary key using index 
alter table "Transactions" detach partition "Transactions_202404";
alter table "Transactions_202404" drop constraint 
"Transactions_202404_id_createdAt_key"; -- drop the unnecessary unique key
alter table "Transactions" attach partition "Transactions_202404" for values 
from ('2024-04-01') TO ('2024-05-01');
-- end of fix
alter table "Transactions_202404" drop constraint "Transactions_202404_check";

When I connect the partition with unique key for the first time, PostgreSQL 
(sometimes) finds it as children of main table PK (I see that in pg_inherits). 
Why sometimes? When I tried to do that again with partition for 5th month, it 
failed to use unique constraint to attach to the main table and started 
creating index, exclusive-blocking whole main table. I don’t really understand 
why it stopped to use unique constraint in the second attempt.

What am I doing wrong? Could someone with a good knowledge of how it works tell 
me how can I attach a partition to the main table without creating an unique 
index twice?

Thank you in advance!

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