Hi All,

I have a question about partition pruning.

Does runtime partition pruning (ie. pruning performed during execution) work 
with partition wise aggregates?

1) I have a setup with a mix of foreign (postgres_fdw) and local partitions.
2) I want to perform an aggregate query and I want the aggregates to be pushed 
down to remote servers.

To make it possible I set enable_partitionwise_aggregate to on.

My observation is that partition pruning works during planning time
But with plan_cache_mode = force_generic_plan, explain analyse execute 
prepared_stmt(params) shows that
_all_ partitions are scanned (and queries sent to remote severs for all remote 

When I set enable_hashagg to false runtime partition pruning works but no 
pushdown is taking place.

Am I missing something or runtime partition pruning is not going to work for 
generic plans and partitionwise aggregates?


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