On 9/30/24 13:01, sud wrote:
We are frequently seeing the total DB connection reaching ~2000+ whereas

Where are you getting the ~2000  count from?

the total number of active sessions in pg_stat_activity staying <100 at any point in time. And when we see the sessions from DB side they are showing most of the sessions with state as 'idle' having backend_start/xact_start showing date ~10days older. We do use application level connection pooling, and we have ~120 sets as both the

What do you mean by ~120 sets, in particular what is a set?

"max idle" and "max active" connection count and "maxage" as 7 days, so does this suggest any issue at connection pool setup?

Using what pooler?

We do see keep alive queries in the DB (select 1), not sure if that is making this scenario. When checking the

How often do to keep alive queries run?

"idle_in_transaction_session_timeout" it is set as 24hours and "idle_session_timeout" set as "0". So my question is , should we set the parameter to a lesser value in DB cluster level like ~5minutes or so, so as not to keep the idle sessions lying so long in the database and what

'"idle_in_transaction_session_timeout" it is set as 24hours' is a foot gun as explained here:


idle_in_transaction_session_timeout (integer)


"This option can be used to ensure that idle sessions do not hold locks for an unreasonable amount of time. Even when no significant locks are held, an open transaction prevents vacuuming away recently-dead tuples that may be visible only to this transaction; so remaining idle for a long time can contribute to table bloat. See Section 24.1 for more details."

With '"idle_session_timeout" set as "0"' a session without an open transaction is not going to timeout.

would be the advisable value for these parameters?


Adrian Klaver

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