        I've compiled postgresql 6.3.2 with kerberos 4 support (using the KTH-KRB 
Ebones distribution) on a Alpha running DU4.0D. I create a postgres_dbms
principle in /etc/srvtab (and arranged for the postmaster to be able to read 
this file) and  made the appropriate modifications to pg_hba.conf file.
I've then use kinit to get a krbtgt (ticket granting ticket) which shows up 
using klist. I then type "psql database" and get a "User authentication 
failed" error. Running the postmaster in debug mode shows up

  "pg_krb4_recvauth: kerberos error: Can't decode authenticator (krb_rd_req)"

(which is a kstatus of RD_AP_UNDEC=31). But whats really werid is that I 
successfuly get a postgres_dbms ticket from the KDC (which shows up in both 
the kerberos logs and under a a klist).

I'm a bit stumped about this so any ideas or comments would be greatly 


  |    _   ^   _    | Dr. Rodney McDuff                        |
  |   |\  /|\  /|   | Network Development, ITS                 |
  |     \  |  /     | The University of Queensland             |
  |      \ | /      | St. Lucia, Brisbane                      |
  |       \|/       | Queensland, Australia. 4072.             |
  |<-------+------->| TELEPHONE: +61 7 3365 8220               |
  |       /|\       | FACSIMILE: +61 7 3365 4477               |
  |      / | \      | EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]              |
  |     /  |  \     |                                          |
  |   |/  \|/  \|   |        Ex ignorantia ad sapientiam       |
  |    -   v   -    |            Ex luce ad tenebras           |

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