ODBC Connection Checklist

     ODBC Driver Data Source Checks
        1.Valid and resolvable hostname.
        2.Valid port number.  (default is 5432)
        3.Valid and existing database name.
        4.Valid user name.
        5.Valid password for the specified user.  (Required iff
pg_hba.config is set to password authenticate your client.)
     PostgreSQL Server Checks
        1.Postmaster must be running.
        2.Postmaster must run with the -i option to allow remote
        3.The pg_hba.conf file in $PGPATH/data directory must be configured
to allow your remote host to connect.

Peter Cordone wrote:

> I downloaded and installed the ODBC driver for Postgres.  I have a linux
> box on the network and the postgres server is running on it.  I am
> trying to connect to the sample database mydb from a Windows NT ver 4.0
> machine though ODBC with C++ Builders BDE.
> I get the following errors:
> Unknown user name or password.
> Failed to authenticate client as Postgres user 'pcordone' using <unknown
> authentication type>: be_recvauth: unrecognized
> message type: 65536
> Alias: PostgreSQL
> Can anyone help me?

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