On Tue, 21 Jul 1998, Ken McGlothlen wrote:

> There are a wide array of other issues, too; the simplistic security,
> view limitations, administrational problems (eventually, for example,
> vacuum should be unnecessary), analysis issues, replication issues,
> cross-server database issues, index limitations, the lack of a good
> front end designer, the lack of a good report designer, locking issues,
> and so on. 

        Alot of good points here, and some not so good...last I checked,
vacuum was still required for Oracle, no?  Its been awhile since I've
looked at it from a DBA perspective, so this may no longer be the case...

        As for 'front end and report designers'...there are several of
them out there currently, most, from what I've seen, *look* good:

        MPSQL: http://troubador.com/~keidav/images/screenshots/sot.jpg
        MPMGR: http://troubador.com/~keidav/mpmgr.html
                - if nobody has checked out the screenshots on this, 
                  check it out
        EARPII: http://www.oswego.edu/~ddougher/EARP2
        PGAccess: http://www.flex.ro/pgaccess
                - does Forms, Reports and Scripts
        PGAdmin: http://www.vale-housing.co.uk/it/software
                - no screenshots, unfortunately :(
        GtkSQL: http://www.mygale.org/~bbrox/GtkSQL
        KPGsql: http://home.primus.baynet.de/mgeisler/kpgsql
                - KDE frontend

        If there are features within those that you feel are missing, talk
to the authors, offer to help...

        What I'd like to see, though, is a detailed version of your list
above.  For instance, what locking issues?  Low-level locking that Vadim
is working on for v6.4?  What analysis issues?  If we could get the list
above with explanations of each, then Bruce can add them to the TODO list.
Without explanations, some, if not all, will sit there forever since
nobody will understand *what* is being asked :)

        Some of them might be small, no brainer additions that nobody
thought about...*shrug*

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