On Wed, 22 Jul 1998, The Hermit Hacker wrote:

>       Oracle now comes along and says that it is going to have a
> Linux-binary distribution available.  So?  How much is that binary going
> to cost?  And what sort of licensing is provided?

I think PostgreSQL will continue on as much as before, just as Linux is 
continuing to put some competition to NT, because of its low cost and 
flexibility.  Certainly many people will flock to Oracle, perhaps by 
corporate pressure, perhaps for the support or interoperability with 
other Oracle servers.  But it's not going to kill off PostgreSQL.

I'm happy that Oracle is being ported to Linux.  I'll probably never use 
Oracle on Linux, but I think it will help get Linux wider recognition in 
the enterprise environment.

And, how many 'supported platforms' of Oracle also support PostgreSQL?  
PostgreSQL isn't a Linux only server.

>       Continue our trend...continuing listening to the ppl asking for
> various "reasonable" features and working towards providing them.  I
> support free/open software because, IMHO, the software is generally better
> written, and more featured, because those that are developing it are doing
> so because they *enjoy* what they are doing, they have a passion for
> it...not because some large company is paying them to do it.

A good point.

Brett W. McCoy           
"The Number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected."
   -- The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June, 1972

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