> I seldom do much more than add the tables in MS Access's <OPINION> stupid
> </OPINION> query design thingy.  I immediately use the menu to view SQL and
> just type the SQL I want.  Obviously, different folks think different ways,
> and maybe you actually understand and like that MS Access point and click
> interface that I hate, but I want to be sure you're at least aware that if
> it sticks an ORDER BY in there that you never asked for, you can just rip
> the damn thing out in the SQL view and then run the query...  At least,
> that's how I make it give me the SQL I really want, instead of the SQL it
> thinks I want, which it never gets right anyway.

Since I'm learning SQL in my spare time, I tend to use these feature in MS
Access and PgAccess to point me in the right direction or sometimes
confirm, or deny my assertions.

I like psql, but its not the kind of tool which suggests other
alternatives. It just says "this part is bogus." That's fine, but when I
fail to get it right after a dozen attempts, its nice to let something
else take a stab at it.

Bruce Tong                 |  Got me an office; I'm there late at night.
Systems Programmer         |  Just send me e-mail, maybe I'll write.
Electronic Vision / FITNE  |  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]        |  -- Joe Walsh for the 21st Century

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