--retrieve column information...

        SELECT a.attnum, a.attname, t.typname, a.attlen,
        a.atttypmod, a.attnotnull, a.atthasdef
        FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t
        WHERE c.relname = 'comuni'
            and a.attnum > 0
            and a.attrelid = c.oid
            and a.atttypid = t.oid
          ORDER BY attnum ;
attnum|attname       |typname|attlen|atttypmod|attnotnull|atthasdef
     1|istat         |bpchar |    -1|       10|t         |f
     2|nome          |bpchar |    -1|       54|t         |f
     3|provincia     |bpchar |    -1|        6|f         |f
     4|codice_fiscale|bpchar |    -1|        8|f         |f
     5|cap           |bpchar |    -1|        9|f         |f
     6|regione       |bpchar |    -1|        7|f         |f
     7|distretto     |bpchar |    -1|        8|f         |f
(7 rows)


Chris Bitmead ha scritto:

What's the best way to do this in postgres? (basicly finding the type of

I want to run a web site with different types of content - question and
answers, stories etc. I propose an object hierarchy...
webobject (title, body)
   question inherits webobject
   story (image) inherits (webobject).

The idea being you could have a search screen that searches questions
AND stories with the one SELECT query.

But then each result would have a link to examine the body of the search
result. But different types of objects would have different URLs to
display that content.

So basicly I need to know the type of objects returned.

I am loath to store the object type inside the object because it is
wasteful. PG obviously already knows the type of objects, the question
is how to get at that info.

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