On Tue, 6 Jul 1999, Vadim Mikheev wrote:

Vadim - thanks very much for the reply!  Sorry to take up your time on

Dobri vecher,

> > 1) what causes bufmgr.c to barf and kill vacuum when something is returned
> > as `-2', ie `PINNED'?
> Buffer was pinned by someone, but shouldn't be. This could be caused
> by buffer leak problem. It's known that FATAL may cause buffer leak.
> Did you see FATALs before vacuum?
> > 
> > 2) how alarmed should I be?
> Shouldn't. No damage is expected in this case.
> > 
> > 3) is there a recommended fix (and/or a deprecated fix? ;-)  How can I avoid
> Stop postmaster. Sure that there is no backend running.
> Start postmaster. vacuum.

------- North Richmond Community Mental Health Center -------

Thomas Good                                   MIS Coordinator
Vital Signs:                  tomg@ { admin | q8 } .nrnet.org
                                          Phone: 718-354-5528  
                                          Fax:   718-354-5056  
/* Member: Computer Professionals For Social Responsibility */ 

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