At 09:12 +0200 on 22/09/1999, Jelle Ruttenberg wrote:

> - password-file: PGDATA/pg_pwd
> - users in the password-file: added with CREATE USER
> - the passwords aren't encrypted
> - connecting the database with 'psql <databasename> -u' works
> - OpenLink uses the generic database-agent for PostgreSQL (95?) to
> connect to the database

I am a bit on shaky ground here, but I think the frontend-backend protocol
changed sometime between version 6.2 and 6.3. The specific change was in
fact related to password authentication. (Gurus, correct me if I'm mistaken
in this).

The bottom line of all this is that if you want to use passwords, you have
to have a frontend-backend agent/driver/module which is compatible with the
new protocol. If you mentioned Postgre 95, it's probably an old, old agent.


Herouth Maoz, Internet developer.
Open University of Israel - Telem project


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