Michael wrote:
> > >
> > > So how do you store something in data type serial?
> > > I've created the column but everytime I attempt to do an update I get
> > > back the error message that I can't store a duplicate key.
> > >
> > > table_col_seq.last_value = 1
> > > increment = 1
> > > maxvalue = 2billion something
> > >
> > > I've tried storing 1,2,some other number in "serial" in the main
> > > table to no avail. What is the magic to get this to work. There
> > > appears to be no documentation anywhere on the necessary SQL commands
> > > to cycle the generator. I've tried the method used for Oracle SQL but
> > > that does not work. I'm a bit of a newbie at this.
> > >
> > > Michael
> >
> > You cant insert into a serial as far as I know.
> >
> > The serial is simply incrimented automatically whenever a new INSERT
> > is done on the table.
> Hmmm.... that's a real problem when adding it to an existing table.
? you can create another serial, starting @ max(serial attr)+1
> The values I get back on a select indicate all blanks. I've got
> several hundred records in the table at the moment. There must be a
> way to update the darn things.
it should not, how do you make that select 7 what's the table
> Michael
> ************

CIMPOESU Teodor, Web Programmer (h)
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