I've seen WAL mentioned several times, but have yet to see anything
about what it is.

Help! :)

What is WAL? Or is it something that is only known by the Illuminati? :)

I did a search in the archives and came up empty, no hits. Not even the
messages which only mention it. Nothing, nada, zip, no "gee I'm banging
my head against the wall trying..." or anything else.

After having read some of the messages in the archives today I have a

I am very much pro Linux, *BSDs, et al, but I do most of my web browsing
at work on a Win95 machine using Netscape. I know it's scary, but I am
not trying to be. Please forgive me. If at all possible I will try to
atone by installing RH 6.x on my machine at work, if I can do it where
my boss can boot (from a shutdown machine) into windows without knowing
Linux exists. :)


Jimmie Houchin 

Lincoln Yeoh wrote:
> At 04:38 PM 20-10-1999 +0800, Vadim Mikheev wrote:
> >Hope that it will be much faster when WAL will be implemented...
> What's WAL? Is postgres going to be faster than MySQL? That would be pretty
> impressive- transactions and all. Woohoo!
> Hope it doesn't stand for Whoops, All's Lost :).
> Cheerio,
> Link.


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